Machine Learning Development Company

Bring Your Data To Life, Take Your Business To The Next Level With Bacancy’s Machine LearningServices.Our advanced knowledge in data science and machine learning can help your business implementation innext generation machine learning solutions

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Machine Learning Services

Today, many businesses rely on Machine Learning to derive patterns from data to monitor, analyze and predict customer/machine behavior and perform actions without human intervention.


The Motley Fool states that 80% of executives believe that AI boosts productivity


Through machine learning algorithm, Netflix saved $1 billion and was able to offer better movie and Tv show recommendations.


We are all exposed to machine learning. If you use iPhone’s Siri, Netflix, Amazon Echo and Google, you use machine learning.


The Motley Fool states that 80% of executives believe that AI boosts productivity

01 We find out whether or not AI is a good fit for you

We first look to determine if AI can address your challenges by:

  • Checking to see if you have the right data
  • We check whether a successful solution will increase your ROIa
  • We advise you on whether to execute a machine learning solution or wait.

To get an answer to these questions, our engineers will only need a 15-minute call with you.


02We make a plan

If we find that machine learning is the right solution for you, then you will have a meeting with our AI team and create a plan. The meeting will be around 5 hours where we learn about your objectives. We tell you how to approach your goals and create a plan of how the solution will look.


03We define a dataset

The dataset is the most important in machine learning as it’s what the algorithm will learn from. You will define that dataset in preparation for the next phase.


04We create a proof of concept

You may have a great plan, an amazing team and excellent data. However, this does not guarantee that the system will work. We eliminate any risks as soon as possible.


05We deliver the solution in under 2 months

After ascertaining that the algorithm will work, we work fast to deliver the solution in under 2 months. The sooner you ML solution is live, the sooner you will be able to improve it. It is a feedback loop that does not play too nicely with delays.


06We continuously improve on the solution

After the solution is live, it is set on autopilot, so that it improves based on the incremental data that it comes across.


07Handover to you

All the insights we uncover from the project, we summarize for you and your team. Apart from the detailed technical documents, we also send you summary reports to explain the solution to you and your team.

We also give you the whole source code and set it up to run on your machines or in the cloud.



"Let us help you build a modern digital business to overcome traditional culture and succeed in the age of digital transformation."